Prayer is a two-way conversation with God involving listening and speaking.

At Church Collective we recommend a format for daily prayer using the acronym P.R.A.Y.

  • P is to PAUSE:
    Stop, take a breath.

    Quiet your heart and mind before God, the creator of the universe.

  • R is to REJOICE:
    Thank God for who He is and what Jesus has done for us.

  • A is to ASK:
    Talk to God about the various needs and concerns of the world, the situations in your local area and any challenges you and your family are facing.

    Asking God for things is a significant part of prayer, and we should not feel any guilt in bringing our 'intercessions' and 'petitions' to God.

  • Y is to say YES:
    As you have listened to God’s voice in prayer, saying yes to what He asks of you is an act of obedience and faith.