Everyday Acts is a 12 part series looking at the book of Acts in the Bible, with a focus on what we can learn from the people who were part of the early church.
Session 1
Meet Priscilla and Aquila; two ordinary tent makers who were used by God to make a big difference to His church.
Session 1: Priscilla and Aquila
Session 2
Meet Simon the Tanner; an outsider with a despised job, but a man who played such an instrumental role in the life of the early church.
Session 2: Simon the Tanner
Session 3
Meet Peter; a fisherman who was used by the Holy Spirit to communicate the Good News of Jesus to the people around him.
Session 3: Peter
Session 4
In Session Four, we meet Lydia; an influential purple cloth merchant who is only mentioned a few times in scripture, but is thought to be the first European Christian!
Session 4: Lydia
Session 5
In Session Five, we meet Apollos; an incredibly educated man who was humble enough to use his gifts to nurture other people.
Session 5: Apollos
Session 6
In Session Six, we meet Hannah, Sefa and Dave, and hear about how the Holy Spirit is working through them during the week.
Session 6: What About You?
Session 7
In Session Seven, we meet Barnabas; a man who sold his land and generously gave all the proceeds to benefit people in the early church.
Session 7: Barnabas
Session 8
In Session Eight, we meet Tabitha and Mary; who were both devoted to the different communities they belonged to.
Session 8: Tabitha and Mary
Session 9
In Session Nine, we meet the Ethiopian Eunuch; a powerful man, banned from the temple but sought out by God in the desert.
Session 9: The Eunuch
Session 10
In Session Ten, we meet Cornelius; a Roman Centurion, who influenced people around him with his hope in God.
Session 10: Cornelius
Session 11
In Session Eleven, we meet a jailer who began a new life after an unexpected earthquake!
Session 11: The Jailer
Session 12
In Session Twelve, we summarise what we've covered in the previous sessions and share some other resources you may find useful.
Session 12: Summary
Running the Course?
This course has been specifically designed to remove all the usual preparation time for small group leaders.
We recommend you gather people in a home, have a shared meal together, then watch the session and chat when prompted.
We think the best way to get something out of the course is to do it with a small group of people!
You could invite people to your house, and have a shared meal together. -
Each video lasts roughly 15 minutes and onscreen questions will prompt you to have a chat in your group.
Mark and Sarah facilitate discussions around various topics, which you can pause for longer chats or just let the video play to keep things moving!