
At Christmas, Easter and our birthday each year, all of the Collectives come together in one place. We celebrate everything Jesus is doing amongst us as a collective of Microchurches in Warrington. Collective Celebrations feel like a party, so invite your friends to come and celebrate too!

  • Hi everyone. I'm John I'm the Ordinand here at Church Collective, and I'm Tee the 1830s Pastor.

    We would love to invite you to our Collective Celebrations, they meet seasonally throughout the year and they are for the purpose of celebrating all that God has done, is doing, and will do in and through the life of Church Collective, as well as celebrating the big story of God and all that He has done in his death and resurrection. Guys, it's such a wonderful chance to come together as a community.

    Yeah, Celebrations are for everyone; for your family, for your friends, for your cousin twice removed, absolutely everyone! They're a lot of fun. We often have music, games and great food, so it's fun, and it's such a unique chance at those key points throughout the year to come together as all the Collectives to really get a better picture of all that God is doing all around Warrington. They're so exciting, always so encouraging and we would love to see you there!